Fertility diet, part 1


If you search around on the web for ‘fertility diets’, you’ll see anything from plant based to carnivore. Some people will even mention the Harvard Nurses Study, which basically asked normal women to remember what they ate the past year (expecting someone to remember what they actually ate in the past year and not having any sort of recall bias is a blog post in itself). The Harvard Nurses Study did not evaluate the impact of diet on a population with a disease, such as PCOS. We all know women prone to PCOS are not like the general population when it comes to diet.

What diet should you do?

Before you start any sort of diet, the biggest impact you can make to your health is cooking all your meals. Stop going out to eat. Stop getting coffee at your local coffee shop. Stop going to the juice bar. Stop buying premade meals. Stop meal deliveries. Going out once or twice a week is fine but you have to stop finding excuses why you can’t do this for the majority of your meals.

In NYC, the commercial rents are insane. These restaurants and other businesses need to make a profit somehow. They do that by not using the best ingredients possible. Plus they want repeat business so they are going to add in more salt and other additives that make the food taste better. Don’t be fooled by healthy looking food businesses.

Try making everything you want to eat by scratch. Make your coffee from high altitude beans at home. If you want French fries, cut up a potato and fry them. If you want cake, don’t make it from something that came in a box. Gather some flour, butter, sugar, eggs and milk and make it like they did 500 years ago.

Cooking all your meals will take you about a month to get used to. Find new ways to socialize with friends other than going out to eat. The secret to success is to make larger batches to freeze and reheat. Also meal prepping on the weekends can make the weekdays less hectic. Before you switch what you are eating, get used to doing this first.

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