Actual Exercises for Fertility, part 1

Restoring whole body alignment will fix any problem you have, from fertility to pain

Most of us sit a lot. Or spend time hunched over a computer and our cellphones. When we have bad posture or sit too much, we are compressing the pelvic region, compressing those organs, reducing the blood flow and nerve conduction.

One way to restore whole body alignment is to find someone that does Postural Restoration.

I’m a big believer in balloon breathing. Just stand up and blow up balloons. There are plenty of YouTube videos that show the ideal way to do this. You breath through your nose, out into the balloon, then in your nose, out into the balloon, repeat until you can’t do more.

If you are feeling more adventurous, try the 90-90 hip lift with balloon.

This easy exercise with help correct the imbalance in your pelvic area.

I have an incurable problem called chronic exertional compartment syndrome. Most surgeries to try and correct this in the deep posterior compartment fail. I have been able to run again since I corrected my bad posture, which probably caused my fascia to become dysfunctional. Fixing posture can make so many problems disappear.

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