Fertility Teas

Getting your whole body into health will make you fertile

Everyone wants to drink red raspberry tea for fertility. It’s a fine overall tea but you will get more bang for your buck if you focus on doing things that get your major health issues under control. If you plant an award winning rose bush in the desert, it’s not going to make it. The total environment plays the biggest factor with fertility health.

These are some teas I recommend.

Vitex & Maca

Vitex & maca I don’t recommend randomly drinking without seeing a healthcare professional. Whereas red raspberry is generally mild and works at the organ level, these two aren’t. I’ve seen women with PCOS become much worse after taking vitex. Vitex you can say works at ‘the brain level’, like Lupron, and raises multiple hormones. Maca raises estrogen (hence why most studies are for post menopausal women) so if you are estrogen dominant, this will make you worse.

Hops - sleep

One ancient remedy for sleep and insomnia is hops tea. You can even make a little pillow to sleep with by placing hops inside of a muslin bag and setting that next to your pillow. I’ve seen these pillows sold on Etsy. You can buy a large variety of hops at a beer brewing supply store. Word of caution, there’s a reason why monks gravitated towards beer. It can decrease male libido (hops can slightly raise estrogen so most women are safe). Keep this tea away from men and estrogen dominant women.

Schisandra - quiet the mind

This tea is a spirit calming and heart opening one in Chinese Medicine. If you have a lot of scattered thoughts and can’t seem to focus on one thing, this is the tea for you. A lot of my patients have a tough time staying on track and focusing on fertility. Or focusing on anything. If that is you, drink this tea.

Dandelion & Burdock - digestion

If your digestion is a train wreck, this tea is for you. When your digestion is weak, you can’t assimilate the nutrients from your food or supplements. When you lack nutrients, your body can’t heal or be in a state of health. The taste of this tea is not something most people will be used to. Hops tea will also be a flavor most people will not like. In Chinese Medicine, the actual taste of the herb also has a healing effect. Give this a try, even if the flavor is something very strange for you. You’ll eventually not mind it.

Goji Berry - weak and tired

If you feel tired and worn out all the time, no matter how much sleep you are getting, this tea is for you. You can place goji berries in a large container of water and drink it slowly during the day. Goji berries are also great to just eat sprinkled into your soups or acai bowls. Dried longan fruit is also a great yummy tea when you are worn out, but it’s much harder to source.

St John’s Wort - depressed

I think most people know by now that St John’s interacts with a lot of medications. If you are on any medication, reference Medscape (or here) first to see if there is an interaction with this herb. You can also call your pharmacist. The odds are your prescribing physician won’t know any herb-drug interactions and take the easy route of saying to not take it.

St John’s has the same pharmaceutical mechanisms that a prescription antidepressant has. If you want to feel better without hunting down a prescription drug, try this. This ancient remedy is amazing for sadness and depression.

Elderflower - frayed nerves

If you ever wanted to strangle your partner or your RE, this is the tea for you. Elderflower has been used for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of ailments. It was one of Hippocrates’ favorite herbs. One of its major benefits is how it relaxes the nerves. Besides drinking this as a tea, you can steep the elderflower for a couple of days in water and strain that into a champagne or another fizzy drink for a pick me up.

My Favorite Tea Blend

If you are looking for a tea that balances your chakras, this is for you. These are 100% organic and highly sourced. If you are patient of my clinic, you probably have been given a bag of this.

Cosmic Mama Tea

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